If you were to choose the NUMBER 1 day on the Hebrew calendar to attack Israel, what would it be?
What day on the Hebrew calendar would Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, and Yemen choose to attack Israel?
There is not day on the Hebrew calendar that stands out more than Passover.
I think everyone has been wondering what those nations have been waiting for… Could it be they are waiting for YHVH’s appointed time to attack Israel?
That is exactly what YHVH did 2,610 years ago when YHVH had Nebuchadnezzar conquer Jerusalem, destroy the city and the Temple because of the many abominations of Judah.
This year, Israel celebrates their “passover” on April 22-23.
The Israel “passover” is held at a phony time due to the anti-Torah Hillel calendar that calculates passover many years in advance. This Judaism calendar does not follow the scriptures and even ignores specific scriptures outright.
The Hillel Calendar totally ignores most scripture in Torah, for example, Deuteronomy 16:13:
The Hillel Calendar is a total phony and never considers Deuteronomy 16:13 so Israel always celebrates Sukkot/Tabernacles right in the middle of the harvest time, instead as commanded in Deuteronomy 16:13 AFTER THE HARVEST.
There are a few people, in Israel, usually Karaite, who are trying to walk the ancient paths of the necessary barley harvest for the wave sheaf offering as well as coordinating Nissan 1 with the Renewed moon sighting, but they still face incredible pressure not to stray but a few days away from the Hillel Calendar, or they stand out like a sore thumb and face ridicule and intense scrutiny!
This was YHVH’s true calendar, last Fall, and it is easy to see Sukkot is AFTER THE HARVEST and totally in agreement with Deuteronomy 16:13:
So, consequently, Israel has celebrated all of YHVH’s Feasts, AT THE WRONG TIMES, since sometime after 70AD when YHVH had Israel kicked out of the Temple and Jerusalem, by the Romans.
If Israel is attacked by those nations on April 22-23, then you will know for a fact YHVH Elohim is judging Israel for their many abominations, including intentionally holding their feast celebrations at the wrong times, in the wrong months:
This current nation of Israel, and most Messianic’s, do not hold YHVH’s Feasts. They hold their own feasts, at their own times, not YHVH’s TIMES.
Here is how YHVH says He regards them:
Seriously, is it really that hard to figure out Deuteronomy 16:13 ?
It does not matter what the reason is, the fact is everyone in Israel and most Messianic’s make a very conscious choice to disobey Deuteronomy 16:13 every single year. When you disobey Deuteronomy 16:13 it necessarily means everything else you did regarding celebrating YHVH’s Feasts, WAS WRONG. ALL DONE AT THE WRONG TIMES not YHVH’s appointed times.
Its just very simple math yet no one wants to obey the scripture and everyone seems too afraid that Judaism will attack them if a mass of people suddenly rose up and kept the written Torah instead of following the fake times of Judaism.
And we all know Judaism and the heavily owned Jewish media would attack, mock, ridicule everyone who disagrees with what they do, and they would call everyone ANTI-Semites.
But that is the risk you accept when you decide to obey the written Torah instead of the fake Judaism man made Rabbi junk called their Talmud and other writings.
I think most people believe YHVH will not judge them harshly, in these things…
that same person shall be CUT OFF from among his people,
because he did not bring the offering of YHVH AT ITS APPOINTED TIME;
I urge people to simply repent of these sins against YHVH’s Appointed times and keep His True Feast APPOINTED TIMES!
Don’t be afraid to go against the grain of obviously false Judaism ways!
You do not want to be CUT OFF.
This is very serious stuff and it is obvious YHVH regards it very seriously!