Every year we see ignorant people who succumb to flesh-eating bacteria.
Such is the case in this USAToday article where a lesbian woman in total defiance to YHVH God and His Commandments ate dozens of oysters and died.
Oysters and all unclean and creeping things were not designed as food by the Creator. In fact, the Creator and His Son will kill everyone who eats pork, Isaiah 66:17
False theologies say Jesus made unclean things to be food and people in those false religions believe those false theologies rather than believe God the Father’s Word. They believe men and what men make up rather than believe their Creator and His Son.
See Leviticus 11:10 and know that God the Father’s Word does not change!
Statistics tells us 80,000 people contract this flesh eating vibriosis every year and 100 die. The statistics do not tell us how the bacteria is ingested then stored in people’s fat cells and continues an unseen destructive path in people later in their lives.
People who are born again in Christianity are washed clean of their sins by the blood of Messiah then most of them sin again within a few days by disobeying his Father’s LAW and once again bringing themselves subject to the curses of the LAW of Sin and Death.
The person who keeps THE LAW of God the Father does not have those curses problems!
The person who keeps THE LAW of God the Father chooses to live like His Son lived.
The person who keeps THE LAW of God the Father chooses Righteousness over disobedience.
The person who keeps THE LAW of God the Father is on the narrow path that leads to salvation.
The person who keeps THE LAW of God the Father is in The Way which Paul converted to in the book of ACTS.
The person who truly believes in God the Father and His Son seeks to be their IMAGE.
The person who truly believes in God the Father and His Son are disciples of the Master and seek to be like him:
Matthew 10:25
25 It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.
Are you a disciple of God’s Son or did you get off track in a false church that does not obey his Father’s Commandments?
If you are a true disciple of God’s Son you will live and walk just as he lived and walked.
If you do not do as he did and keep his Father’s Sabbath and hold fast all THE LAW of his Father’s Covenant then you are not his disciple.
If you think there is any validity to a New Covenant 2,000 years ago and you are somehow not subject to THE LAW of our Creator, then you had better reread all of Jeremiah 30 and 31 and see this simple article which is an infallible proof that the Christian “new covenant” is false and has always been false:
and this one:
Maybe you do not realize Christian theology is false?
You still have time to repent and get right with the Creator.
Shalom (peace to you)!