Much has been written over the centuries about the Doctrine of Predestination… And virtually all of it false!
The anti-Biblical, and satanic Calvinist’s doctrines are the writings of a mad man who was a murderer and not in the faith at all.
Roman Catholcism wickedly believes “ those whom God has elected to eternal life will infallibly attain it”
You have to read these things for yourselves to see the contradictory positions most of the world’s religions hold fast…
YHVH God did in fact predestinate something but it sure was not people who choose one religion or another.
YHVH God predestinated His Son in Deuteronomy 18:15-19 to be the absolute mark one must attain in order to please YHVH the Father and be His friend.
Then, just like Romans 8:29 says YHVH God the Father predestinated every person on this planet to be conformed to the IMAGE of His Son!
The only way anyone can be conformed to the image of YHVH’s Son is by keeping Torah:
You must love your neighbor in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
You must not murder in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
You must not steal in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
You must not commit adultery in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
You must keep the Sabbath in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
You must keep the appointed times/Feasts of YHVH in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
In fact, you must keep all THE LAW of YHVH God in order to reflect the image of God’s Son.
And guess what?
It’s not that hard to do:
Luke 1:5-6 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6 And they were both Righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of YHVH blameless.
But, if you are living a life style that makes it hard to keep all THE LAW of YHVH God the Father then guess what?
You are not showing Him that you want to DO His Will:
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Remember, what you read and hear through the mouth of God’s Son is not the words of God’s Son:
John 14:24 The word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
That is exactly what Deuteronomy 18:15-19 teaches us.
And since we know it is YHVH God the Father talking through His Son’s Mouth:
John 15:14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
Then we know only those who keep The Sabbath and THE LAW can be saved because those are God’s only friends!
The problem is almost all people make a personal choice to reject living the way The Son of God lived…
They simply choose not to be the image of God’s Son and invalidate their chance for salvation.
That is the reason for Revelation 18:4-5
Come out of the Harlot religions that encourage you live against THE LAW of YHVH God the Father and His Son!